Rated Fault Current Breaking Capacity (Icn) 5ms Time Constant:(In accordance with UL583*)
Blowouts :800A at 96V D.C.
No Blowouts: 800A at 48V D.C.
Rated Fault Current Breaking Capacity (Icn) Resistive Load:(In accordance with UL508*)
Blowouts: -
No Blowouts: -
Maximum Recommended Contact Voltages
Blowouts: -
No Blowouts:48V
Typical Voltage Drop per pole across New Contacts at 100A: 40mV
Mechanical Durability: > 3,000,000 Cycles
Coil Voltage Available (Us) (Rectifier board required for A.C.) :6 - 240V
This switch has been designed to provide a rapid means of disconnecting batteries or other power supplies in the event of serious electrical faults. It combines the dual function of a manual disconnect and coil operated line contactor. The benefits of this design include compact size and reduced installation costs combined with an electrical capacity sufficient for small and medium size electric vehicles.
Whilst the switches are primarily intended for use with battery powered vehicles, they are also suitable for use with static power systems. All types are capable of safely rupturing full load battery currents in the event of an emergency.
Package Included:
1pcs x Emergency Switch 2440306180 for Haulotte Haulotte STAR 10 Optimum 8 Compact 10 C